Where did the Natural Curves Guide come from? Natural Curves originated by a few of my friends and myself  who respectively named our search on gaining that "perfect body" OPERATION BUFFY. Realistically speaking, from the info provided in the Get Natural Curves guide will not get a "buffy booty" but you will be satisifed with the results you do receive. I can not stress to you ladies who are reading this that THE GUIDE IS NOT A MIRACLE IN WRITING; simply meaning, unlike alot of other products you see on the market that make broken promises, you will NOT see results within 30- 60 days, thats just pretty much impossible. Typical results were seen after 6-14 months of usage of the guide and CONTINUED use of it to keep your results. So, with all of that being said, LADIES STOP WASTING YOUR MONEY ON THOSE "push the fat from your stomach to your ass pills"!!!! BUY 'GET NATURAL CURVES' TODAY!!!!!!